The background to What I learnt this week can be found by clicking here:
A list of previous #WILTW
188 How long can the NHS be peri-arrest?
187 When aiming to do good does harm
185 Educational Professionalism: A 21st Century Competency
184 Single Minute Exchange of… Simulation
183 Remember the cause as well as the cure
182 Can you measure the science in the art of presenting?
181 Be brave, acknowledge our failings
180 Can you be satisfied with a longer wait?
178 Resuscitation Communication: Text or Twitter
176 Tighten up your safety net
175 Can you over-reach your care?
174 Don’t let your intervention define the diagnosis
173 The Star Wars guide to decision making
172 The ingredients of a great conference
171 What would you tell your younger self?
170 F.E.V.E.R
169. Feel the fear
168. Close to certainty and far from agreement
167. Experience of Care: Parent vs Child
166. Digital Detox
165. A third idea to counter a third ‘type ‘of error
164. Good questions are as important as good answers
163. Spot the well child, not the ill one
162. The Traffic Light Analogy: Patients aren’t cars
161. You can’t repeat that, I said it in public!
160. The blood test that causes harm
159. How did you not see that?
158. Managing risk: Don’t get burnt, a singe will do
157. Statistically, the thing most likely to kill me, is me
156. The Ghost Guideline
155. Why are so many children ill?
154. An Emergency Department ‘gebrochenrolltreppe” phenomenon
153. Abdominal pain in children: illness vs individual
152. Same Child, Different Room, More Risk?
151. The dangers of Formophilia
150. When experience doesn’t help learning
149. The Helicopter Hover: Counterfeit Cognition
148. Five soft markers of organisation aptitude
147. Dogmalysis or Pragmatogenesis?
146. Do you why the parents are concerned. Why Not?
145. Practice what you preach or preach what you practice?
144. When laughter causes pain
143. You can’t “Click & Collect” Healthcare
142. If you know what it’s not, it is ok to not know what it is?
140. With great (digital) power comes great responsibility
139. Failure – likely and visible
138. The three curses of organisational culture
135. Jugaad
134. Don’t Multi-Task, Multi-Think
133. It’s easier to recognise wrong from right
132. The Look
131. Why a coffee replenishes more than just caffeine levels
130. Variation: Is it poor, or just different, practice that frustrates?
129. Perspective
128. Do nothing without appearing there is nothing to do
127. A pre-mortem to prevent a post-mortem
126. Malignant Meeting Mindsets
125. Do we need Quality Insight rather than Quality Improvement?
124. Feeling meek? The only time you are allowed to CUSS
123. Acting on instinct: Blessing and Curse
122. Medical Conferences: Time to include everyone?
121. Unconscious Incompetence at scale?
120. Does it matter what the public think of doctors?
119. Should we learn how to make mistakes?
118. Patient care is not sport but should it be funded like it is?
117. Why does no one answer the phone in hospitals?
116. How not to manage flow (or no more forms please)
115. Digital Downtime
114. Surprise: When fear collides with joy
112. Time to embrace a new style of conference
111. Seeing the doughnut instead of the hole
110. The presumed love of a parent: an uncomfortable cognitive bias
109. Failure Fatigue
108. Learning from, rather than on, patients
107. Is our response to failure misplaced in medicine?
106. Don’t cause unnecessary distress! P.R.E.D.I.C.T before your paediatric procedure
105. Risk and Change: Useful in an Emergency?
104. Filter Failure – not just knowledge overload
103. What healthcare can’t learn from Leicester’s football success
102. Hospital Humour
101. Children’s experience of emergency care as a measure of quality
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